Compression Stocking Tips, Tips, Videos

VIDEO: Battle Your Lymphedema with Toe Caps

Battling lymphedema is all about arming yourself with the right weapons to fight the disease.

Watch this video to find out how many butterflies toe caps earn on Lymphedema Diary’s five-butterfly rating system (The butterfly is the international symbol of lymphedema).

Don’t try this at home – or anywhere.


Not a life-changer.

My new favorite thing.

How did I ever live without this???

Have you tried toe caps?  How would you rate your experience?  Please share in the comments section below.

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Battle Your Lymphedema with Toe Caps”

  1. My physical therapist suggested toe caps. I bought them, trimmed them and wore them.
    They are all right, but at $85.00 a foot, I felt ripped off. $25.00 for the pair would seem justified. It seems all lymphedema products are way over-priced….especially toe caps.

    1. Amen, Pamela! I spend thousands of dollars on stockings and other lymphedema products each year. My insurance pays for a few pairs. Flex spending takes a bit of the sting out using pre-tax money to cover the rest. It’s a lifelong burden.

  2. Hi Britta, I love your blog! 😀
    I have Global LE so I know all about lower extremity garments – and upper body, trunk and head compression 😜 All ten of my toes have Jobst Elvarex Plus caps on them all day, every day without fail. I’ve worn them for years since first being fitted for Jobst flat-knit garments, my LE therapist took one look at my enotmous sausage toes that needed to be inside caps and highly recommend I try them!
    The best thing about Jobst caps is their 3-D technology which translates into seamless toe caps. Before Jobst 3-D was invented every toe had seams and the caps were not very comfortable due to the seams. I don’t think any other garment maker has the 3-D seamless caps so it’s worth going with Jobst brand if anyone reading this is getting caps made for the first time or needing new ones. I personally give them five 🦋’s 😊

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience, Catherine! Thank goodness the technology is improving. Let’s hope the improvements keep coming. And a CURE!

  3. This is a great video. As a Certified Lymphedema Therapist, I deal with clients who are often so unhappy with having to wear garments. They can be cumbersome and difficult to get into. They are, of course, absolutely necessary.

    It’s so good to just see a positive attitude from a person who is wearing some of the flat knit. I try to educate people as well on my site , but it is still ‘just advice from a therapist.’ It’s entirely something different coming from someone with Lymphedema.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Hello Shannon – thanks for the feedback! Keeping a positive attitude is not always easy, but it sure is better than the alternative. Your website looks full of helpful information. Thanks for sharing and thanks for all you do for lymphedema patients. A good lymphedema therapist is like an angel on Earth. They are often a lymphie’s best and only resource for learning to properly care for their disease.

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